We humans are at the threshold of a new era. Daily, we are being challenged to re-evaluate the way we perceive everything from personal relationships, the natural environment, commerce and social traditions that disruptive emerging cultures are breaking down at an accelerated rate. At the heart of this “breaking down” process is a “breaking through” evolutionary power that cannot be stopped. And yet, it is possible to co-create with it and realize that within the sleeping giant of our body’s wisdom lies — our Somatic Agency™ — our greatest ally on our life’s journey of discovering our true aliveness within the vortex of this changing world. And it is hidden in plain sight within our hearts and bellies awaiting our discovery.
“This awakening of our Somatic Agency™ is both our personal birthright and our collective calling — to activate a redesigned way of being truly alive living in sustainable balance.”
—Fred Mitouer PHD
Experiencing and understanding your humanity as a physical being.
Enacting self-authority and empowerment to best define your life ahead.
The ability to be fully actualized, harmonizing all aspects of the body, mind, and spirit — awareness, feeling, and acting on behalf of our highest self; being truly alive.

Most adults have psycho-neurotic anxiety stories resulting from our past history and wounds. We often become impacted and defined by these imprints on our souls. Our challenge is to transform these wounds into blessings and create a new story. We can do this within the crucible of our somatic agency by alchemizing our adversity into a source of power and strength.
We do this by reconciling opposing internal forces such as: go away – don’t leave; I hate you – I love you. We make the tension of opposition tolerable and dynamic by growing our body’s resiliency enough to contain both paradox and contradiction. And through this new tolerance we discover our sovereignty that transcends the pain we endured and embraces the simplicity of essential presence. This is the “Big Bang of You”!
Most of us have been socialized to create compartmentalized lives in order to cope with the often conflicting demands that are shaped by our “normal” human encounters. In the more extreme encounters — such as domestic violence, PTSD psychic scars from military service, abandonment and substance abuse — we find ourselves fragmented into many puzzle pieces, each hungering for its homecoming into the template of our natural wholeness.
The body registers and expresses this separation from wholeness with tight muscles, shallow breath and painful sensations. And it reminds us that, if we are ever to experience our spiritual freedom and true intimacy in relationship, we must open to the promise of The Big Integration.

Most of us have been socialized to create compartmentalized lives in order to cope with the often conflicting demands that are shaped by our “normal” human encounters. In the more extreme encounters — such as domestic violence, PTSD psychic scars from military service, abandonment and substance abuse — we find ourselves fragmented into many puzzle pieces, each hungering for its homecoming into the template of our natural wholeness.
The body registers and expresses this separation from wholeness with tight muscles, shallow breath and painful sensations. And it reminds us that, if we are ever to experience our spiritual freedom and true intimacy in relationship, we must open to the promise of The Big Integration.

Like all physical matter, the human body is impacted by the elemental force of gravity, the passage of time, and the nature of impermanence. Wood rots; metal rusts; stone crumbles; and our bodies stress out. And yet, with self-discipline and the skillful facilitation of healing artists, we can heed the body’s instinctual wisdom and its pragmatic instructions and live a graceful embodied life.
Through cultivating Somatic Agency™, we learn to balance rigor with gentleness; recognize over-strength as a weakness; and know when aspiration becomes compulsive. This understanding forms the foundational ground wherein the strong structure of a gentle life is built – one that is organized by right action that affords vitality and a lightness of being.

Sculpting away everything that is not essential reveals essence. Michelangelo’s knowing eye saw the angel buried within the stone he carved. It is this same artistic spirit that can sculpt flesh and reveal light.
The sculpting process focuses upon the causal place in the armament of the physical body where unconscious beliefs, repressed memory and charged unresolved emotional experiences co-exist. The reactivity and tension of this armament are released through breathing techniques, deep tissue manipulation of the musculature and movement of subtle energy. What remains is an unencumbered neuro-emotional musculature that can relax into a natural state of ease that is conscious and dignified—a soulful revelation.

Life is different when the load is dropped and our illusions have been sculpted away. We act without doing and forgive the world for being out of control; we receive the respect of others without needing approval all because we accept ourselves as we are. Our breath flows easily like water to the sea; and all of this happens because we have done our work.
The healing and transformational work we do leads to an organic change in our perception as it actualizes our Somatic Agency™ by bridging our innate spiritual wisdom with what is in front of us - here and now. As a result, we abide in our feelings without them having us and find that we can feel safe in our soulful embodiment with peace, purpose and passion.